Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13, 2011

Relax into what appears to be reality. The trials and tribulations that threaten our peace and comfort are really illusions, set before us to teach us the lessons we have chosen to learn in this incarnation. The brick wall that has emerged before you as you are trying to accomplish a goal is not there to discourage you from continuing but, rather, it has been created (by you) to challenge your motivation, commitment, and level of passion for the task at hand. The brick wall is there as an invitation to become more than you are, to learn what you are capable of being and becoming, and to test your commitment to the process involved in reaching your goal. If you fail to break down this wall, it is your choice, and if you take it apart or shatter its apparent solidity, it is also your choice. You are free to create your own reality and to change it at any time. Namaste!

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