When we have our vision tested for a driver’s license or at the doctor’s office, we discover the health of our physical eyes by their ability to recognize the letters on a chart, which in turn tells us how well we are focusing on the world around us. The clarity of our vision enables us to perceive and navigate the physical plane. When we perceive with the eyes of the heart, we become aware of the larger reality in which we live. We can see synchronicities and miracles and approach these with a calm assurance of their validity. When we perceive with the eyes of the heart, we can see those around us as miracles. Namaste!
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience" (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin). These meditations/communications are inspired by spirits, guides, teachers, and masters, and provide guidance for walking on the path towards a new paradigm for earth. Along the way, we will learn something, you and I, about the many dimensions that co-exist around us, and what it means to be a “spiritual being having a human experience.”
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
September 29, 2011
The illusion of the past invites us into the illusion of a future, but in reality neither exists independently of the perpetual now. Those we have known and those we will know are already part of our experience, we have but to widen our perceptions to acknowledge their presence and, by extension, their influence on us. As spirit, we know the connections that illuminate our unity. On the physical plane, we struggle to maintain connections day to day. As we create and celebrate each moment we are manifesting, we need to remember we are never alone. Namaste!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
September 28, 2011
One day the earth is bathed in the light and fecundity of summer and the next the leaves are falling, blanketing the green grass in the colors of fire. The circle of life continues and the earth reminds us each day that change is our state of being. We celebrate birth and mourn what we perceive as loss and yet both are part of the same cycle that repeats into a time of timelessness in a space that is always recognized as here. Perhaps more than any other creature, the caterpillar living its metamorphosis into butterfly understands the need for rest between manifestations. The caterpillar and the butterfly are one being; our spirit in every form is the same. Namaste!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
September 27, 2011
When we let go of our preconceived notions of reality, we begin to discover and experience a deeper, and thus higher, state of being. When we begin to realize that all things are possible within the vision of the Creative Spirit, we can stop editing our thoughts and actions and fully savor the physical experience our spirits are actualizing. Then we can start living a fully conscious life, full of the wonders that are here for us to learn from and delight in. Stop editing your life, and start living it! Namaste!
Monday, September 26, 2011
September 26, 2011
As long as we live the illusion that we are separate beings with individual lives, unattached to any other, we will live in a constant state of disharmony. As we trod upon our path without looking around at the miracles inherent in the other beings whose paths parallel and cross ours, we miss the essential energy that is ours to grow in and through. When we peacefully and lovingly open our hearts to the myriad entities that surround us, we open ourselves to the reality of the interdependent web present in our lives. In this web there are many paths, connected through and by the energy of love. Namaste!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
September 25, 2011
Trust in yourself and your inner voice. Trust in the Creative Spirit that informs all. Trust that the cycles of the earth and of your life serve a greater purpose than that which you are aware of. Know that every detail, every moment of light and dark, offers a moment in which to learn and especially to learn trust. Be who you want to be on this earth as you follow your passion with compassion and kindness. Live your life in truth, trust, and love. Namaste!
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