Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19, 2011

It has been asked what the meaning of the word “Namaste” is that ends each of these entries. It is a Sanskrit word whose literal meaning is essentially “I bow to you.” It is pronounced “nuhm-uh-stay” but the “stay” is pronounced with a softness between “stay” and “steh.” In India and other areas in Asia, when people meet each other (or part from each other) they bring their palms and fingers together, fingers pointed up and their hands in front of their heart chakra. They bow slightly and intone the greeting “Namaste.” In doing so they are actually not simply bowing to the other person, but, rather, recognizing the spirit of the other person. “Namaste” means, therefore, “My spirit bows to your spirit” or “My spirit recognizes your spirit” or “My divine spark bows to your divine spark.” Essentially, this is a greeting that surpasses “Hi, how are you?” and instead recognizes the spirit in each person one meets while acknowledging one’s own spirit. It makes each greeting, and parting, a moment of spiritual connection, an awareness of that which binds us into one. Namaste!

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