Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011

There are many planes of existence. The earth-based physical plane is but one of a multitude of physical planes spread out throughout the universe. The earth plane is perceived through the five senses and interpreted through the physical brain, which processes the information, resulting in the belief that one has seen, for example, the color blue. The fact that two people can see the same wavelength considered “blue,” and yet perceive different tonalities, is a suggestion of the difficulty of relying on physical perception to reliably apprehend the physical world. The limitations are unlimited. Adding the intuition removes the reliance solely on the physical senses and the brain, and allows for a more immediate knowledge of both the physical world, and the spiritual world that imbues it. If we metaphorically say that the heart, for example, is the repository of the intuitive sense, then when we perceive, using the earlier example, the color blue, we are perceiving the spiritual vibration of that tonality, imbued, as it is with a spiritual essence vibrating at the rate of light-filled love. Therefore, when two people utilize intuition to perceive the color blue, they can be confident that they are having a shared experience. Utilizing the intuition of the heart, we can confidently perceive the truth in our spiritual equality, resulting in a recognition of our intertwined relationship on this plane, and the reality of other spiritual beings inhabiting the non-physical planes. It is then we honor the spirit of another and of ourselves. Namaste!

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