One of the reasons we are here on this physical earth plane is to experience and gain the lessons that come from being separated from each other. As harsh as this may sound, the truth is that when we are on the spirit plane as spirit, we are always connected in the energy and there is no barrier between us. Because the energy we are and in which we exist there flows within the same rate of vibration as that of love and peace, there are no interpersonal challenges that would initiate growth. In order to deepen our appreciation of this, and to learn how to deepen our commitment to the whole, and thus continue to attain a higher state of being, we decided to take on the challenge of relating to each other while in physical form. On this physical plane we have to overcome that difficult separation by learning how to overcome the physical barrier in order to connect our spirits through empathy, kindness, compassion, and love. Namaste!
I understand the purpose of learning to overcome separation. I do wonder though, if it is not time to soften those boundaries. I know that there are folks that can see beyond the veil, some just occasionally, others on a fairly regular basis, but that is not helping the folks with the strongest feelings of separation.. and those are the ones that seem to be causing the majority of the world's conflict and finding bigger and bigger ways to self destruct. I know that focusing on that only intensifies the separation, so I do not, I only ask the question to spirit, is this still a good policy?