Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 10, 2011

Washing a cup, walking along the street, breathing the air—all are ordinary acts. When these are practiced as mindful activities, we find our oneness with that which we are doing, with the environment in which we are acting, and with the All within the Creative Force. When we are mindful, there is just breathing, doing, being, with no expectations or judgments. In the act of mindfulness is found a quiet bliss of being—the process is the goal. Doing something mindfully— for example washing a cup, and allowing no distractions but maintaining a gentle focus on the cup, the water, the suds, our hands— allows us to be present to the moment we are in, not the past one or the future one. In the act of the ordinary, we find the precious mindful awareness of being in the here and now and, in that moment, we can experience our centered oneness with the All. Namaste!

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