Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 9, 2011

Each in his or her own way, communicates with the Creative Force, of which we are all a part. Some refer to this communication as prayer, others as setting intention, and still others as meditation. When we sit or stand, centered and focused, and ask for help for self or others, that greater entity, known by many names, hears and responds. In the asking, we enter a state of grace, aware of our oneness with the All. Whether we receive what we are asking for, or whether we recognize the response, the knowledge that we have actively engaged with a larger energy, confirms our connection with each other and the Creative Force. Knowing we are not separate beings, but, rather, part of a larger whole, requires that we remain aware of those around us and engaged in their well being. Prayer, by any name, is an act of kindness, compassion, and empathy. Namaste!

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