Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15, 2011

Sometimes, even the sweetest cacophony of sounds beats back the sound of our own hearts speaking truth as an echo spraying up from a deep well. The pebble, falling from on high, falls into the cool spring water, sinks below the surface and, by its presence, changes the pool, the well, the sound, the echo. Discerning the lessons that reverberate from deep within when a shift in perception occurs can change the paradigm of your life. If you turn right, rather than left. If you  awaken before dawn or after. If you lose a person or gain one. Even if a feather falls in your path, and you stop to pick it up, the flow of your life changes, even subtly and takes you into a different expression of reality than if the feather had not fallen at all. Be mindful, pay serene attention, and the ripples flowing cross the surface of your life will guide you gently and safely to the further shore. Namaste!

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