Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2, 2011

As we stand in the moment of now, we are balanced between the past and the future, aware but non-judgmental. Who we are in this plane in any given moment is formed by choices we made, both prior to incarnating and during this current physical expression. While it would seem that one is male or female, or of one race or another, we all have elements of each of these within, informed by all that is contained within our spirit and the larger Creative Force. Our spirit tempers each element to keep in balance internally that we might keep balance in the larger world. What we project as our self is actually a series of choices that we make to integrate into a sustainable whole. Since we all contain elements of each expression of the All, the idea to discriminate against any one expression runs contrary to the reality of the larger spirit of the Creative Force. The rainbow does not discriminate against its parts. Namaste!

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